Our Vision

Our St. Michael’s Vision

St. Michael’s is like a tree: where through God’s light and deeply rooted Christian values, we grow and prosper. We shine with ambition in a happy, caring and safe Christian family.

- Like a tree planted by streams of water, bearing fruit in due season, with leaves that do not wither, whatever they do, it shall prosper. Psalm 1:3 - 

Growth through Our Trees

This is our prayer tree. Each term, we plant new prayers so they can grow.

Here are our other trees, located throughout school, which represent the growth of our pupils.

Together Everyone Achieves More

We are committed to building the skills, knowledge and positive attitudes necessary to help all our pupils become responsible, respectful and tolerant citizens of the future.  Through our shared aims, mutual respect and working together, we will believe in ourselves and develop as individuals who make a positive impact on each other and the world around us.

St Michael’s CE Academy provides education in accordance with the principles and practices of the Church of England.  Worship, religious education and spiritual development are at the heart of every aspect of our experience.

At St Michael’s CE Academy, we aim to provide all of our pupils with a high quality education within a caring Christian environment where Christian values of trust, forgiveness, friendship, truthfulness and perseverance, hope, responsibility, thankfulness, justice and peace are embedded. Collective worship and Religious Education are effective in communicating the Christian values and are specifically linked to the half termly worship and PSHCE themes. Pupils develop a growing understanding of these Christian values as they progress through the school and this is reflected in, and impacts on, their behaviour and attitudes to each other, the whole school, the wider community and their daily life.


St Michael’s CE Academy provides education in accordance with the principles and practices of the Church of England.  Worship, religious education and spiritual development are at the heart of every aspect of our experience.

At St Michael’s CE Academy, we aim to provide all of our pupils with a high quality education within a caring Christian environment where Christian values of trust, forgiveness, friendship, truthfulness and perseverance, hope, responsibility, thankfulness, justice and peace are embedded. Collective worship and Religious Education are effective in communicating the Christian values and are specifically linked to the half termly worship and PSHCE themes. Pupils develop a growing understanding of these Christian values as they progress through the school and this is reflected in, and impacts on, their behaviour and attitudes to each other, the whole school, the wider community and their daily life.


 The school aims to help the children develop lively and enquiring minds, to question and  debate, to apply themselves with confidence to tasks, to gain in physical skills, to have respect for the opinions of others, to find enjoyment and fulfillment in their activities and to gain satisfaction from their achievements.

To achieve our vision of outstanding teaching and learning we aim to:

- Provide high standards of teaching and learning for all pupils.

- Actively explore the role of Faith in their own lives and in the lives of the wider community.

- Provide an inclusive environment which educates, develops and prepares all our pupils for life in a diverse society.

- Recognise and build on pupils’ previous knowledge, experience and understanding.

- Encourage independence, self-esteem and natural curiosity.

- Celebrate achievement.

- Embed a stimulating curriculum to develop lifelong learning.

- Recognise all children as individuals with their own rights and responsibilities.

- Value and encourage parental partnerships with exchange of ideas and information.

- Actively involve members of the local and wider community, valuing their positive contribution to the learning experience of all.