Enhance Academy Trust (EAT)
EAT (formally Wakefield Diocesan Academies Trust) was established to act as sponsor for Church of England, and other, schools that are required or elect to become a sponsored academy. The three Trustees of EAT undertake an over-arching and strategic role ensuring that their vision for the character and ethos of EAT, and its role in the local education system, is carried forward. The Trustees delegate some their responsibilities to EAT’s Director and to the Local Governing Bodies established at each Academy.
EAT works closely with each of its academies, and a number of partners, to deliver one fundamental objective – delivering improved educational outcomes for every pupil at each of the Trust’s Academies.
For more information please visit EAT website: www.enhanceacad.org.uk
Name | |
Articles of Association.pdf | Download |
Enhance Academy Accounts 2017.pdf | Download |
Enhance Academy Accounts 2018.pdf | Download |
Enhance Academy Accounts 2019.pdf | Download |
Enhance Academy Accounts 2020.pdf | Download |
Enhance Academy Accounts 2021.pdf | Download |
Enhance Academy Management Letter 2021 - Final.pdf | Download |
Enhance Academy Trust Details.pdf | Download |
Funding Agreement.pdf | Download |
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